The severity of the symptoms a dog has is directly related to how much spinal cord damage has occurred. A small disk rupture, or one that happens slowly and gradually over several weeks, may only cause back or neck pain with minimal paralysis. If a disk ruptures fast and forcefully, the pressure on the spinal cord will cause pain and varying degrees of paralysis. Examples:
IVDD stands for Intervertebral Disk Disease. This disease is the most common cause of back pain in canines and can lead to reduced mobility and quality of life.
2 Types of IVDD- Type 1 of Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) is when the center of the disk becomes hardened and the capsule becomes brittle. Intervertebral (vertibrae) discs are composed of fibrocartilage. They are like jelly cushions for the spine, acting as shock absorbers and enabling mobility. So when they become brittle the capsule of the disk can rupture without warning, allowing the hardened material in the center of the spinal cord to enter the spinal canal and put pressure on the spinal cord. Type 2 is similar because the discs become harder and less flexible, like type 1, but this happens over a longer period of time. Eventually the disc breaks down and that jelly-like cushion bulges out, placing pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Oftentimes the signs and symptoms are not as severe as those seen in type one. |
What should you do if you suspect IVDD?
Call your veterinarian and set up an appointment at your earliest convenience. They will review the past medical history and do a physical examination to get a better idea of what may be causing your pup’s discomfort. Plain radiographs, CT imaging and MRI’s may also be done to rule confirm (or deny) the diagnosis of IVDD. It is very important for the Vet to do a full work up as determining the signs and symptoms are similar to those of other diseases such as meningitis, infection, and vascular issues. They can then put together a plan of treatment. |
Can you prevent it?
Since IVDD is a disease with a strong genetic component it is difficult to prevent. Dogs at increased risk of IVDD are chondrodystrophic dogs (dogs with short legs and long backs) and dogs with a known family history of the disease. As we always say: It is important for dogs to maintain a healthy body weight and be physically fit to help in the prevention. |